This is an R package for making plasmid maps using ggplot2.


This package is still very early in development and the API may change. The parser for .gb files works most of the time but has not been tested extensively.

# install.packages("devtools")


plasmapR provides functions for parsing and plotting .gb plasmid files.

Once a plasmid has been exported in Genbank format it can be parsed and plotted.


fl <- system.file('extdata', '', package = "plasmapR")

fl |> 
  read_gb() |> 
  plot_plasmid(name = "pETM-20")

Access the features by turning the plasmid into a data.frame.

fl <- system.file('extdata', '', package = "plasmapR")

plasmid <- fl |> 

dat <- plasmid |>

##   index                    name         type start  end direction
## 1     1 synthetic DNA construct       source     1 7700         1
## 2     2                 f1 orim   rep_origin    12  467         1
## 3     3           AmpR promoter     promoter   494  598         1
## 4     4                    AmpR          CDS   599 1459         1
## 5     5                     ori   rep_origin  1630 2218         1
## 6     6                     bom misc_feature  2404 2546         1
dat[dat$type == "CDS", ] |> 
  plot_plasmid(name = "pETM-20")

It’s not currently intended for linear display, but it can be used as such. I recommend checking out the gggenese package.

dat[dat$type == "CDS", ] |> 
  plot_plasmid(name = NULL) + 
  ggplot2::coord_cartesian() + 
  ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = NULL)

A {ggplot2} Object

The result of the call is just a {ggplot2} plot, which you can further customise to your liking with themes, etc.

fl <- system.file('extdata', '', package = "plasmapR")

plt <- fl |> 
  read_gb() |> 

plt + ggplot2::theme_bw()