Read a .gb GenBank File




File path or connection, that can be handled by readr::read_lines().


a list of class 'plasmid' which can be further coerced for plotting.


fl <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "plasmapR")

fl |>
  read_gb() |>
#>    index                    name         type start  end direction
#> 1      1 synthetic DNA construct       source     1 7700         1
#> 2      2                 f1 orim   rep_origin    12  467         1
#> 3      3           AmpR promoter     promoter   494  598         1
#> 4      4                    AmpR          CDS   599 1459         1
#> 5      5                     ori   rep_origin  1630 2218         1
#> 6      6                     bom misc_feature  2404 2546         1
#> 7      7                     rop          CDS  2648 2839        -1
#> 8      8                    lacI          CDS  3648 4730         1
#> 9      9           lacI promoter     promoter  4731 4808         1
#> 10    10             T7 promoter     promoter  5121 5139         1
#> 11    11            lac operator protein_bind  5140 5164         1
#> 12    12                    TrxA          CDS  5209 5535         1
#> 13    13                   6xHis          CDS  5557 5574         1
#> 14    14         AviTag Insert R  primer_bind  5578 5628        -1
#> 15    15                TEV Site          CDS  5584 5604         1
#> 16    16              AviTag(TM)          CDS  5611 5655         1
#> 17    17         AviTag Insert F  primer_bind  5629 5673         1
#> 18    18             dsnPPR10-C2          CDS  5659 7503         1
#> 19    19                   6xHis          CDS  7544 7561         1
#> 20    20           T7 terminator   terminator  7628 7675         1