Read Biotek Output CSV Files

plate_read_biotek(file, time_average = TRUE, second_wl = FALSE)



The filepath to a .csv file, exported from a Biotek plate reader.


Logical, whether to average the time points across different observations (LUM / OD) and pivot them to their own columns.


Whether to include the second wavelength when reading in data blocks, or to keep just the label and the first wavelength.




file_data <- system.file(
  package = "wellr"

#> # A tibble: 14,304 × 7
#>     time well  od600 gfp_485 vio_575 vio_585 vio_595
#>    <dbl> <chr> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1  469. A01   0.041     260   0.042   0.041   0.041
#>  2  469. A02   0.043     258   0.044   0.044   0.043
#>  3  469. A03   0.043     258   0.044   0.044   0.044
#>  4  469. A04   0.044     254   0.044   0.044   0.044
#>  5  469. A05   0.044     256   0.044   0.044   0.044
#>  6  469. A06   0.043     255   0.044   0.044   0.044
#>  7  469. A07   0.043     244   0.044   0.044   0.044
#>  8  469. A08   0.045     252   0.045   0.045   0.045
#>  9  469. A09   0.045     251   0.045   0.045   0.045
#> 10  469. A10   0.045     247   0.045   0.046   0.045
#> # ℹ 14,294 more rows
plate_read_biotek(file_data, second_wl = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 14,304 × 7
#>     time well  od600 gfp_485_530 vio_575 vio_585 vio_595
#>    <dbl> <chr> <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1  469. A01   0.041         260   0.042   0.041   0.041
#>  2  469. A02   0.043         258   0.044   0.044   0.043
#>  3  469. A03   0.043         258   0.044   0.044   0.044
#>  4  469. A04   0.044         254   0.044   0.044   0.044
#>  5  469. A05   0.044         256   0.044   0.044   0.044
#>  6  469. A06   0.043         255   0.044   0.044   0.044
#>  7  469. A07   0.043         244   0.044   0.044   0.044
#>  8  469. A08   0.045         252   0.045   0.045   0.045
#>  9  469. A09   0.045         251   0.045   0.045   0.045
#> 10  469. A10   0.045         247   0.045   0.046   0.045
#> # ℹ 14,294 more rows