Read the wavelength data blocks from a biotek .csv file.

plate_read_biotek_wl(file, format_well = TRUE)



File path to the .csv file.


Whether to format the well column of the returned dataframes.


a tibble


file_data <- system.file(
  package = "wellr"

#> # A tibble: 23,616 × 4
#>    id    wavelength well  value
#>    <chr>      <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
#>  1 1            300 A01   0.28 
#>  2 1            300 A02   0.284
#>  3 1            300 A03   0.285
#>  4 1            300 A04   0.285
#>  5 1            300 A05   0.285
#>  6 1            300 A06   0.284
#>  7 1            300 A07   0.275
#>  8 1            300 A08   0.279
#>  9 1            300 A09   0.282
#> 10 1            300 A10   0.28 
#> # ℹ 23,606 more rows
plate_read_biotek_wl(file_data, format = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 23,616 × 4
#>    id    wavelength well  value
#>    <chr>      <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
#>  1 1            300 A1    0.28 
#>  2 1            300 A2    0.284
#>  3 1            300 A3    0.285
#>  4 1            300 A4    0.285
#>  5 1            300 A5    0.285
#>  6 1            300 A6    0.284
#>  7 1            300 A7    0.275
#>  8 1            300 A8    0.279
#>  9 1            300 A9    0.282
#> 10 1            300 A10   0.28 
#> # ℹ 23,606 more rows