Takes a matrix that is formatted as a plate, and converts it to a long-format 'tidy' data frame with a column for the well ID, the row, the column and the values that were in the matrix.

well_mat_to_df(matrix, value_col = "value")



A matrix object to be converted.


The name of the value column in the final DataFrame.


a tibble


mat <- matrix(rnorm(96), ncol = 12)
well_mat_to_df(mat, "random_values")
#> # A tibble: 96 × 4
#>    well    row   col random_values
#>    <chr> <dbl> <dbl>         <dbl>
#>  1 A01       1     1       -1.56  
#>  2 A02       1     2       -0.474 
#>  3 A03       1     3       -0.688 
#>  4 A04       1     4       -1.16  
#>  5 A05       1     5        0.0279
#>  6 A06       1     6        1.05  
#>  7 A07       1     7        0.270 
#>  8 A08       1     8        0.669 
#>  9 A09       1     9        0.943 
#> 10 A10       1    10        0.0103
#> # ℹ 86 more rows